**Grab Kernel**\\ Get the one you desire from https://www.kernel.org/\\ wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.10.65.tar.xz tar xvf linux-5.10.65.tar.xz cd linux-5.10.65 **Grab Packages**\\ apt-get install bc libncurses-dev bzip2 make build-essential libelf-dev libssl-dev bison flex rsync liblz4-tool **Run localmodconfig**\\ Hold enter until you are done \\ make localmodconfig **Customization of the Kernel**\\ make menuconfig **Network**\\ If you want wireguard or anything else Device Drivers => Network device support => VXLAN, Wireguard BBR increases TCP Network throughput Network Support => Network options => Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter) (e), QoS Network Support => Network options => TCP: advance congestion control => BBR Network Support => Network options => QoS => Qdisc, Fair Queuing dhcpclient dosen't work without it Network Support => Network options => Packet Socket Latency reduction\\ General setup => Timers subsystem => High Resolution Timer Support, Timer tick handling General setup => Preemption Model Processor type and features => Timer frequency Power management and ACPI options => CPU Frequency scaling => governor **virtio**\\ If your virtual server uses scsi virtio you need to enable this\\ Device drivers => SCSI device support => disk support Device drivers => SCSI device support => SCSI low-level drivers => virtio-scsi support **Build the Kernel**\\ make -j8 deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-rt KDEB_PKGVERSION=1